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2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Http;
using c3stream.DataModels;
using LinqToDB.Data;
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
namespace c3stream;
public static class c3stream {
public const string DataPath = "data";
public const string DbFile = "c3stream.sqlite";
2022-03-06 18:07:53 +01:00
public const string LogoPath = "/mnt/nvme-data/c3stream-logos/";
public const string LogoUrl = "https://mirror.c3stream.de/logos/";
2022-07-09 12:53:52 +02:00
public const string CachePath = "/mnt/zfs/storage/archive/Video/congress/";
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
public const string CacheUrl = "https://mirror.c3stream.de/";
public static object Lock = new();
public static string DbPath = Path.Combine(DataPath, DbFile);
public static readonly List<ConferenceObject> Conferences = new() {
2024-01-01 18:38:54 +01:00
new ConferenceObject("37c3", true),
new ConferenceObject("mrmcd23"),
new ConferenceObject("camp2023"),
2023-08-19 12:27:14 +02:00
new ConferenceObject("gpn21"),
2023-06-14 03:18:39 +02:00
new ConferenceObject("trans-tech-tent"),
new ConferenceObject("jev22"),
2023-01-01 17:47:07 +01:00
new ConferenceObject("MCH2022"),
2022-07-27 15:12:11 +02:00
new ConferenceObject("gpn20"),
2022-05-23 18:08:36 +02:00
new ConferenceObject("rc3-2021"),
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
new ConferenceObject("rc3"),
new ConferenceObject("36c3"),
new ConferenceObject("camp2019"),
new ConferenceObject("gpn19"),
new ConferenceObject("35c3"),
new ConferenceObject("34c3"),
new ConferenceObject("33c3"),
new ConferenceObject("32c3"),
new ConferenceObject("31c3"),
new ConferenceObject("30c3")
public static void Main(string[] args) {
if (!Directory.Exists(DataPath))
if (!File.Exists(DbPath))
File.Copy(Path.Combine(DataPath, "database.init.sqlite"), DbPath);
DataConnection.DefaultSettings = new Database.Settings();
foreach (var conference in Conferences)
if (args.Length != 0) {
if (args[0] == "logo")
foreach (var conference in Conferences)
2022-03-06 18:07:53 +01:00
Console.WriteLine($"wget {conference.LogoUri} -O {Path.Combine(LogoPath, conference.Acronym + ".png")}");
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
else if (Conferences.All(p => p.Acronym != args[0]))
Console.WriteLine("No matching conference found.");
foreach (var talk in Conferences.First(p => p.Acronym == args[0]).Talks)
Console.WriteLine($"youtube-dl -f \"best[ext = mp4]\" {talk.FrontendLink} -o \"{Path.Combine(CachePath, args[0], talk.Slug)}.mp4\"");
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
else {
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
//TODO: move this to the database as well
public static void UpdateConference(ConferenceObject conference) {
using var httpc = new HttpClient();
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
var jsonpath = Path.Combine(DataPath, conference.Acronym + "_index.json");
var json = "";
if (!File.Exists(jsonpath)) {
json = httpc.GetStringAsync($"https://api.media.ccc.de/public/conferences/{conference.Acronym}").Result;
File.WriteAllText(jsonpath, json);
else if (conference.Ongoing) {
json = httpc.GetStringAsync($"https://api.media.ccc.de/public/conferences/{conference.Acronym}").Result;
else {
json = File.ReadAllText(jsonpath);
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
var parsed = Conference.FromJson(json);
lock (Lock) {
conference.LogoUri = parsed.LogoUrl.AbsoluteUri;
conference.Talks.ForEach(p => p.Guid = p.Guid.Trim());
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
public static string UpdateCookie(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, string redirectUri) {
var cookie = "";
//if new bookmark is in uri
if (request.Query.ContainsKey("bookmark") && Guid.TryParseExact(request.Query["bookmark"], "D", out _)) {
response.Cookies.Append("bookmark", request.Query["bookmark"], new CookieOptions { Expires = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue });
cookie = request.Query["bookmark"];
//if no cookie exists or cookie is invalid
else if (!request.Cookies.ContainsKey("bookmark") || !Guid.TryParseExact(request.Cookies["bookmark"], "D", out _)) {
var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
response.Cookies.Append("bookmark", guid, new CookieOptions { Expires = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue });
cookie = guid;
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
else {
cookie = request.Cookies["bookmark"];
if (request.Query.ContainsKey("bookmark"))
return cookie;
public static Event GetEventByGuid(string guid) {
return Conferences.SelectMany(c => c.Talks.Where(e => e.Guid == guid)).FirstOrDefault();
public static IEnumerable<Event> GetEventsByGuid(IEnumerable<string> guids) {
return Conferences.SelectMany(c => c.Talks.Where(e => guids.Contains(e.Guid)));
public static ConferenceObject GetConferenceByEventGuid(string guid) {
return Conferences.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Talks.Any(t => t.Guid == guid));
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) => Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args).ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder => { webBuilder.UseStartup<Startup>(); });
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
public class ConferenceObject {
public string Acronym;
public string LogoUri;
public bool Ongoing;
public List<Event> Talks = new();
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-02-09 20:45:14 +01:00
public ConferenceObject(string acronym, bool ongoing = false) {
Acronym = acronym;
Ongoing = ongoing;
2020-12-28 06:10:48 +01:00
2022-03-06 18:07:53 +01:00