# Control module Control module is HTTP module which makes it possible to control rtmp module from outside using HTTP protocol. Here's an example of how to enable control. ```sh http { ... server { listen 8080; server_name localhost; .... location /control { rtmp_control all; } } } ``` There are several sub-modules within control module each controlling a different feature. # Record This sub-module starts and stops recordings created with _manual_ flag. Syntax: ```sh http://server.com/control/record/start|stop?srv=SRV&app=APP&name=NAME&rec=REC ``` * srv=SRV - optional server{} block number within rtmp{} block, default to first server{} block * app=APP - required application name * name=NAME - required stream name * rec=REC - optional recorder name, defaults to root (unnamed) recorder Example ```sh rtmp { server { listen 1935; application myapp { live on; recorder rec1 { record all manual; record_suffix all.flv; record_path /tmp/rec; record_unique on; } } } } ``` Publish the stream with the following command ```sh $ ffmpeg -i http://someserver.com/mychannel.ts -c:v copy -c:a nellymoser -ar 44100 -ac 1 -f flv rtmp://localhost/myapp/mystream ``` Use the following commands to start and stop recording ```sh $ curl "http://localhost:8080/control/record/start?app=myapp&name=mystream&rec=rec1" ยง curl "http://localhost:8080/control/record/stop?app=myapp&name=mystream&rec=rec1" ``` if the record start/stop request returns nothing sometimes, you should check if you use multi workers. one worker works great. # Drop This sub-module provides a simple way to drop client connection. Syntax: ```sh http://server.com/control/drop/publisher|subscriber|client? srv=SRV&app=APP&name=NAME&addr=ADDR&clientid=CLIENTID ``` * srv, app, name - the same as above * addr - optional client address (the same as returned by rtmp_stat) * clientid - optional nginx client id (displayed in log and stat) The first method ```drop/publisher``` drops publisher connection. The second ```drop/client``` drops every connection matching ```addr``` argument or all clients (including publisher) if ```addr``` is not specified. Examples ```sh $ curl http://localhost:8080/control/drop/publisher?app=myapp&name=mystream $ curl http://localhost:8080/control/drop/client?app=myapp&name=mystream $ curl http://localhost:8080/control/drop/client?app=myapp&name=mystream&addr= $ curl http://localhost:8080/control/drop/client?app=myapp&name=mystream&clientid=1 ``` # Redirect Redirect play/publish client to a new stream. Syntax: ```sh http://server.com/control/redirect/publisher|subscriber|client? srv=SRV&app=APP&name=NAME&addr=ADDR&clientid=CLIENTID&newname=NEWNAME ``` * srv, app, name, addr, clientid - the same as above * newname - new stream name to redirect to # Push Push publishing stream to the other location - local or remote server. Syntax: ```sh http://server.com/control/push/? srv=SRV&app=APP&name=NAME&addr=ADDR&clientid=CLIENTID&location=NEWLOCATION ``` * srv=SRV - optional server{} block number within rtmp{} block, default to first server{} block * app=APP - required application name * name=NAME - required stream name * addr - optional client address (the same as returned by rtmp_stat) * clientid - optional nginx client id (displayed in log and stat) * location - new stream location to push-publish to: * `/app/newstream` for local * `host[:port]/app/newstream` for remote, default port - 1935 # Pull Pull stream to the other location - local or remote server. Syntax: ```sh http://server.com/control/pull/? srv=SRV&app=APP&name=NAME&addr=ADDR&clientid=CLIENTID&location=NEWLOCATION&newname=NEWNAME ``` * srv=SRV - optional server{} block number within rtmp{} block, default to first server{} block * app=APP - required application name * name=NAME - optional stream name * addr - optional client address (the same as returned by rtmp_stat) * clientid - optional nginx client id (displayed in log and stat) * location - stream location to pull-play from: * `/app/newstream` for local * `host[:port]/app/newstream` for remote, default port - 1935 * newname - new stream name to pull into